Blog: Pursuing an Artistic Life


Well, I finished a short comic all my own IP!  It’s the first in a planned series of stories, which are not always related – like Tales of Fantasy back in the day.  Each issue can, but doesn’t have to be, a completely new story/universe.

Sent this comic to Ka-Blam printers yesterday, so I will hopefully have it at Denver Comic Con!

It should also be available at IndyPlanet once they have that ready.

Inktober and School and stuff! Busy busy!

So lately I have been BUSY!  Artistically speaking, I have a digital painting commission, comic pages, Inktober drawings, and schoolwork all to do, plus little sketches here and there.  (That’s not counting all the rest of my life with work and my new wife!)

The Inktober challenge, created by Mr. Jake Parker, has been really fun so far.  I made a list of the drawings I wanted to have, and even sketched some out in advance. They are all illustrations for a fantasy story I have written the overall plot and many scenes from. I wanted to do them in a coloring book style so that I could publish that.  You can see all my drawings as well as some of the stuff from my other projects at my instagram!

And the Inktobers will be posted here soon!

Comic Con!

Had a really good comic con!  Sold a few prints and comics, and had several fun sketch and drawing commissions!

Up and Running!

Well, after a few days of quirky things including a computer simply not wanting to upload to the site, is up and running!

There is still progress to be made: I need to upload a lot more art to each category, and of course keep making art!

Also, I have worked out a new design for my business cards to include this website, as well as my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts, all in a correct manner.  So hopefully traffic will increase.

Have plans for some fun art pieces, including fan art of Rey from Force Awakens, the characters from Jim Butcher’s Aeronaut’s Windlass, and images and comics of my original characters!

Stay tuned!

First Post

Well, I now have a website.  And this is my first ever blog post.  I’m mainly just testing how the website works, and how I want to set it up.  So, yeah.  This is a filler page.  But it could clue you in a little bit to my personality if you read it.  But it is also the first post, so don’t try to go back any further in the archives.